
Radio Veritas Needs Your Help!

Radio Veritas, South Africa’s only Catholic radio station, has become an integral and essential element of the Catholic faith community in South Africa. Its mission: to entertain, inform, educate and inspire its audience, and to be a powerful means of outreach and evangelisation.

However, all this requires resources on a very large scale. Radio Veritas thanks its loyal and committed supporters, past and present, without whom the station would not have achieved the status it currently has in the Catholic community, but unfortunately, more is needed. New donors are constantly being sought who would be prepared to make a contribution of at least R50 or more every month.

There are more than 1 million Catholics in the greater Gauteng area alone, and 5 million nation-wide. Of these, we believe that there are sufficient numbers who appreciate the work we are doing and who love their faith sufficiently to participate in some way in this mission which has been entrusted to us.

Whether or not one can receive the signal, our unity in faith urges us to participate in this mission of the Church which looks beyond mere provincial or diocesan boundaries.

Donations, whether on a once-off basis, or monthly, are always appreciated, and now you can donate instantly online through a very safe payment gateway, SnapScan.


Monthly Payments

For a recurring monthly contribution, please download and complete the Debit Order Authorisation Form, and fax to 011 452 7625 or email to If you would prefer us to contact you for your details, please click here and fill your details into the message box.


We also gratefully accept payments made directly into our bank account via Internet Banking or direct deposit:


Account Name: Radio Veritas
Branch: Cresta (Code 19 13 05)
Account Number: 1913296067